Special K: https://www.wired.com/story/google-shakes-up-its-tgif-and-ends-its-culture-of-openness
b1-66er: Yeah, i saw this.
What's your take?
K: Sad but inevitable. Growth kills intimacy. Companies and other ongoing projects usually become self-parodies.
b1: Yes.
Americans are particularly bad about not understanding the responsibilities of freedom.
K: I give G credit for preserving the big meeting for as long as it did. But then the company grew too fast, hiring standards dropped, and much has gone to shit.
b1: Yessir.
Of all the people i know, YOU live Animal Farm.
K: Momma K and I were discussing recently, which dystopia would you choose to live in? Brave New World, Rollerball, Logan's Run, Hunger Games, other? Presumably not 1984.
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