
Smuggy Summer Games

D4rw1n: How was the rest of your Sunday?

b1-66er: Super great.
Good (small) card game at Aqualung's.  
Me, b1-67er, Car Hands, Gumby.
Aqua's kids played a few hands (their first ever!).  
Both (legitimately) won pots.
I was awarded the Theo Prize. 
A very small plastic loving cup with coins.
Aqua told me it was for, "telling the most jokes he couldn't understand"...
...but i think it was actually just for being pathetic and looking like homeless Santa.

D: Why not both?

b1: Because Homeless Santa beats Coy Joke Guy in Sociological Roshambo.

D: And smug quick-witted answer guy beats homeless Santa but loses to coy joke guy. I get it.

b1: Of course YOU do.