<Note to the reader: this posting contains, perhaps, the greatest concept/ line/ personal-passive-aggressive thought to ever appear on KTXT. It's been subtly encoded for your subliminal pleasure.>
b1-66er: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/taco-bell-employee-astounds-tiktokers-143815088.html
As opposed to this one, which is starting to walk toward the other edge of the food madness globe
...having said that, I eat entirely within the set described there...
...(& don't eat anything packaged, so coloring isn't a problem)...
67: This is right at the intersection of nutrition and psychiatry, the two medical disciplines I believe are the least figured out.
b1-66er: Yes.
I didn't send you the article about the possiblity being blood-let by snorkel nose leeches.
66: "Robotic pet companions were initially tested on adults diagnosed with dementia..."
67: Nothing like pairing someone with an automaton to enhance their grasp on reality.
66: Exactly.
67: Looking at Trump's age group he has about a 6 percent chance of mortality on this. Probably less, he is way above average on quality of health care.
66: I wouldn't mind seeing it do its worst...
If he does a Boris Johnson recovery, the evangelicals will come out of the rafters.
67: Yeah I have very mixed feelings on this, which I'm not proud of. It will probably kill someone in his entourage.
If there is a God, Trump may indeed reap what he sowed.
I pray the results are not ambiguous.
67: That's a funny line.