
I'm that case, I bid 2 spades

b1-66er: How's DC post trump?

D4rw1n: It is very hard to gauge DC now -- many otherwise clear-thinking people are still in an odd phase of confusion. Also the difficulty to gauge is compounded by my own fundamental disagreement with the whole "not my president" movement.

b1: Yeah.  It's a tuning fork for cognitive dissonance.

D: My impression is that some closet racists are emboldened; most progressives feel an impotent rage, and many complete neophytes are taking the reins of a government they both despise and also fail utterly to understand.


And then I just mentally built a wall and the insurance company paid for it!

The flyer: I told the glass guy someone smashed the window. He says "they're just trying to get what they can before they build the wall"
He made another reference to "the commies" but I didn't follow the first part of what he said so I'm not exactly sure how bad it was.
I almost cancelled the service but work was going nuts and he was willing to drive here to fix it so I just mentally willed him to not say anything more.


So are their snow drifts...

The flyer: Nachos in Finland are far different than San Diego