
Watch your step

The Accomplice: <pic>

[ed: Tacoma, WA]

Pic ©2023 The Candle Opera
all rights reserved
used by permission

A little bit of loathe

Special K: Right after I made toast, I killed a bug behind the toaster this morning. All the time I was telling myself, be careful, don't touch the toaster, you'll burn yourself. I did it anyway (just a little, on my arm.)

b1-66er: What's the moral of the story?

K: Don't touch the hot fucking toaster, moron. 

Done done DONE

Special K [01:00PT]: Rocket launch from Vandenberg in 1 hour. I have no link. I'm going to bed. 

A rainbow -- turned upside down & without color

b1-66er: "Three-quarters of voters say they're concerned about President Joe Biden's age and mental fitness, while nearly two-thirds have concerns about the multiple trials former President Donald Trump faces, a new national NBC News poll finds, casting a gloomy shadow over the upcoming 2024 presidential election."

...Versus EVERY election before that were all shiny, bright, joy fests.

[ed: my emphasis]