
Black mirror

Special K: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/23/us/100-year-old-covid-19-victim-twin-brother-flu-pandemic/index.html

100-year-old World War II veteran died of Covid-19. His twin brother died 100 years earlier in the flu pandemic - CNN


b1-66er: Alf: Sorry, but I began to panic when I missed 'Gumby.'

Alf: I assume you have no plans to fix the TV. 
Dad: no immediate plans. 
A: fine! I'll leave it tuned to Oral Roberts and see if it will heal itself!

Mom: Alf, I already said you can use the portable TV in the bedroom. 
Alf: it's too small! It makes everyone lon like Danny Devito.

 Bob Newhart's secretary is Alf's son's principal. 

Hair of the cat

This is how everyone looks right about now :)

b1: To be honest, in this situation, I think of you as being more cat than dog like.