
Whatta tosser

b1-66er: Here's a guy with an arm...

D4rw1n: I love all the appreciation of the obvious talent. The crowd goes wild, the skipper blows the horn, even the dog is going mad with joy 

Happy Hallobig'un!

b1-67er: Easily the biggest pumpkin I've ever bought. Now if I can just get it out of the car.  

b1-66er: How much was it, and what made you decide to go for it?

67: I like carving pumpkins. The bigger the better. $25 was too good to resist.


Just off stage left The Actore intones:
Whoa!!!! That size for $25?!!!!!!!!!!
Insane, good for him. Looks amazing.

67: For sure. The pumpkin lots around here are disappointingly uniform in basketball sized pumpkins. But not this place. They had maybe 50 pumpkins this size.  

66: How'd you pick that one?

67: Upside-down it has some nose/cheek type structure I think I can work with.

66: Absolutely.
If you wanted to do 
punkin passing a human through its digestive system
that could work too.

67: The rinds are thick on big pumpkins like this, so you can think about carving features into them too.

66: $50 Jack o lantern!
{$25 for the punkin.
$25 for a one-off chainsaw.}

67: They had a pumpkin that had a high relief carving of an eagle in it.  Pretty cool looking.

66: Okay.
Don't compete in that contest.

[Pic ©2023 Size Matters You Bonehead, Unlimited
Ask rights and seeds reserved
Used by permission]