
Building the Apophenia Mound

b1-66er: Say, "hi."

The Dear Hunter: These ant pics directly conflict with my
 Walk in Beauty 
mission statement.

b1-67er: But the ants are beautiful in a fierce way.


66: <Headspace 'fortune cookie'>

D4rw1n: I found this to be one of the most interesting daily meditations yet

66: It's easier for me to comprehend if I break it into 3 sentences:

Appreciate each moment.
Find peace in impermanence.
Keep death by your side.

That's a fairly famous taoist principle <ed: "the vinegar tasters">

b1-67er: And that ties straight across to the fire ant picture.

66: So very right.
Your index finger is on the Pulsing Jugular Vein of Life.