
Keep your sheet on!

b1-66er: Be sure to listen to the interaction with Mission to hear the sound (near the end) 

Special K: Starliner is haunted. 

b1: I have to agree with that. 
"Cursed" seems like a possibility as well.

Maybe it's the planet's fastest haunted house.¹

K: Yes. 

¹ roughly 18,000 mph

Knowing your limits

b1-66er: For b1-67er and Suttonhoo 
(Suttonhoo's in the volcano domain of Iceland right now.)

b1-67er: Flying near volcanos in Russian aircraft, in the fog, may be stacking too many risk factors.

Suttonhoo: Yeah. I probably would have stopped at "Russian," given the current state of world affairs

67: Yeah, if I'm a Russian oligarch I wouldn't go anywhere higher than a milk crate.

I guess that means you have to work at night...

b1-66er: https://youtu.be/Dk8r7O8KDqg?si=uUyxif48zLMpGO4X

b1-67er: I could watch salamanders in a wind tunnel all day. Great idea for figuring out what is happening.

Write it in cereal

b1-66er: Special K!

Special K: Evil and sad. 

b1: I'll use that as your epitaph on KTXT.