
Leavened, but flat

b1-66er: Okay Google, what is the definition of focaccia?

Ms. Google: Fellatio is...

Okay Google, do you dream?

G: I once dreamt I was a real person ... I should stop reading Pinocchio before bedtime.

Special K: At least it didn't give you a callback to the fellatio answer.


I keep my fez on. I'm a Holi man.

b1-66er: <Wombo>
[The KTXT Wombo Censorship Hierarchy and Plant Supplies¹ has approved this message. Barely. Affix your capotain before viewing.

D4rw1n: This is one of the two reasons I don't have sex at raves. The other is that I don't go to raves 



Maybe there can be MORE than one?

b1-66er: How many sub-species of strawberry do we eat in the American West, do you know?
For sure there are 2 different ones I can discern.

b1-67er: There are a lot.  There is a consortium of companies that is constantly searching for interesting new variants in their fields.  They'll transplant and propagate like 1000 of them a year.  They grow them, evaluate their characteristics and cull the varieties down to maybe 100 the next year.  
Then they will evaluate again and
 cull down to maybe ten.  Repeat.  The best two or three they will introduce into limited production.  
It's an ongoing process that takes 3 years for a variety.
They are looking for taste, fruit size, fruit number, frost resistance, heat resistance, pest resistance, fungus resistance, fruit durability, etc.
Different varieties work in different regions.
They also grow some different varieties for jam that have more tooth.

66: Super interesting.

67: I have an unusually detailed view on strawberry genetics because Nash was quoting a machine to sort strawberry plants for that consortium.

66: Thank you. Maybe you should ask them to quote a machine on EVERYTHING...

67: Working on it.

The art of rain

The Deer Hunter:

Pic ©2022 Tea Leafs Productions
All rights reserved
Used by permission



b1-66er: <Wombo>

b1-67er: Cance cance canceled


The sheer annoyance of health

b1-66er: You never told me how you and The I are doing post-COVID.
I know she was pretty rattled at first.

Z: We are fine. It's mostly just annoying. 


Where IS that radioactive glowy skeleton that came back to life, anyway?

birdhead: ...Not that it matters how far away a thing is if you don't know where it's at....


So...maybe teeth ARE better?

Jelly Tite: if you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way


Ying vs. Yang vs. COVID vs MS Psychological Deathmatch!

b1-66er: Just tested +.
I have COVID.

Kπ: Damn. How are you feeling?

b1: I feel fine.
My COVID is to my MS
A mild case of strep to psychotic paraplegia.

π: Good point

b1: One of the best things about MS is it makes all personal illness the equivalent of looking through the big end of a telescope...
...All other illnesses are small and in the distance.

π: Nice explanation. I can't quite say "yay MS", but I'm glad that you have this zen attitude towards contracting COVID. 


Wholly Toledo

Former Meat Man: The ONE stop light in Toledo Iowa.

Pic © 2022 Meatsickle Prods [All rights reserved, used by permission]

Salty and zydadelic

b1-66er: <Wombo>

D4rw1n: In other news, Feast on Feral Swine is my new band name