Special K: My new manager works in Boulder. He has a master's degree in biblical exegisis.
b1-66er: Good or bad one?
K: I haven't met him yet, but I'm not sanguine.
From this school: https://www.wheaton.edu/
b1: (They're a big deal. Not pursuing is surprising.)
K: Pursuing what?
b1: Theology.
K: Oh God.
b1: Precisely.
Careful when you talk to him about the bible...he'll know more than you will.
K: If I'm talking to him about the Bible, something has gone wrong.
Anyway, I don't expect to report to him for long. I think our group
will crumble entirely by end of year or so.
What does a devout Christian think of Jews, anyway? How can they not think less of us?
b1: Depends on the Xian.
Something between "old stock" and "not yet learned."
K: I'll be sure to confess my Judaism to my new boss at first meeting.
b1: You won't have to.
He'll either already know or won't care. (Only Semites and anti-Semites care who the Jews are.)
K: What if I greet him with "L'chaim?"
b1: Tell me.
K: I'll say 'L'chaim, Reverend!"
b1: That plays.