b1-66er: I bought a shirt for mom's services next week...
SUPER HELPFUL Amazon suggested "you might like this too."
What the hell do they know about me that I don't?
b1-67er: Maybe you can accessorize with it. It is funeral colors
It you buy a pound of zinc, I wonder if it automatically puts you on some kind of Snowden Watch List.
Like it's essentially a government bobber to see if they can get a strike.
D4rw1n: I have a pound of zinc in my bedroom right now. Hard to accessorize with though, because it is broken up into penny-sized chunks and is stored in a janky old box
66: Okay, I'll bite.
D4: Because every time I received a penny, in change over the last 40 years, I threw it in a box in my bedroom. And it's been about a decade since I took the box to a CoinStar. Hence, I have well over a pound of zinc all in very small pieces.
And all stylishly clad in copper
If that puts me on a government list, I've got a lot of company
66: "Match, D4rw1n•"