
Wait. Is that the Cheezolator K?

b1-66er: That article is actually pretty good. 
Best Whizzinator story you'll read today. I promise. 

Special K: Yes.

b1: I'm pretty sure you read more whizzinator stories than I do. 

K: I'm completely sure.

What matters is the Uni -- not the lever

Special K: "Man Known as BabyQ Is in Trouble for Using Synthetic Penis"

b1-66er: If I advise him about it, would that be a 
Baby Q tip?

...Like Barbie clothes that're the wrong size...

b1-66er: ...I asked b1-67er if he'd sunk his entire bonsai forest into baby pools when the fire was across the street...
... and it was like he'd heard the voice of God...

Stearno: Oh, man, a bonsai forest fire would be the most awful cutest thing.

The Count of Monte Fritos

b1-66er: "1 in custody for setting fire to Las Vegas motel room with someone inside"
"Pringles tube tries to wake from 'recycling nightmare'"

Special K: Put those together, you have a good horror movie.