
The purpose of your matter

b1-66er: This is going to end up being a big deal for me, personally...

... for sure it was a major contributing factor to my dad committing suicide.
Mom also had a focus on it after pandemic began.

The Accomplice: I've been in an exploratory mode in a similar direction, but focusing on the term "purpose." That's a Blue Zone term. It's close to "mattering" but not quite the same? Or, at least how I'm digging it up...

....I think "purpose" doesn't necessarily mean altruistic interactions with other humans. Or mattering to them? I think it means a sense of self and focus on something you enjoy and/or are good at? So, writing can be a purpose. Staying in touch with friends by phone can be a purpose. Building a comfortable home life can be a purpose...

One shouldn't have one's worth and/or longevity relying on other humans? (Or, I guess, for larger society to rely on a specific human?)¹

I'm focusing on my own interpretation or the concept of "purpose" (but know full-well that community and friendship is also something important and that I love people and "matter" to a few choice individuals.)

So, yeah. I'm thinking about this stuff.

b1: Yes.

I think you've hit a key thing: The personal description/definition of how you internally view it.

(This is that meditation concept of Present Mindfulness ... That is: what actually is happening v. your perception of it.)

¹ (Ed: this paragraph originally had a 'typo of mission,' but TA couldn't immediately recall what she said. The addition was made without reading the broader context.)