special K: Note prominent dogcow ref. http://priceonomics.com/the-woman-behind-apples-first-icons/?curator=MediaREDEF
b1-66er: several interesting things about that article.
no mention of magic.
susan continues to continually rewrite history and claim damn near everything about the dogcow...when *i* am the one who made all that stuff up.
she's also violating a ™ by selling the image.
K: I think a she must have permission or Apple would shut her down.
b1: I'll bet apple don't know they have the ™. mark johnson applied for it.
bet you ANYTHING.
K: Maybe she has a blanket approval.
b1: from steve. to sell anything of apple's. with no approval and no money back.
K: Yeah.
b1: when did you become a susan kare apologist? she's bitchy in exactly the same way all those early mac people are...
the only one who isn't is joanna. and she wants to be.
K: The early Mac people all bear Steve's imprint.
b1: yes.
K: Just speculating,
b1: well put away spec-o-K and bring back special K.