
Calming the calamity

The Dear Hunter: We got a hard frost last night. That's pretty rude. This is shot indoors.

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Special K: "Bakery asks customers to 'check cookies' for diamond after owner loses £3,200 ring"

b1-66er: That'll give you a filling.


Why everyone lost four bucks at dinner today...

b1-66er: "This is where you can order a full Mayonnaise and Corn Pizza (mayo and corn is one of the most popular pizza toppings in Japan) for just 500 yen (US$3.26), which is an absolute bargain."

b1-67er: Is that a bargain? Really?  I'd pay $3.26 to NOT have a corn and mayo pizza.  


Think "bigger"

b1-66er: <Cracked lion image>

b1-67er: Clone it!


Pushin' the Peep limit

b1-66er: <Sour Watermelon Peeps line-up>
As hard as it is to believe, these are BETTER than regular Peeps.
<single Peep shot>

b1-67er: Jesus. What are those?  Roadkill frog Peeps?