
"light in your head and __what__?" anybody? anybody? gerry?

solid goldstein: Gerry rafferty died
b1: weird.
G: My brother said he was a drunk
b1: he'll get it right the next time.
G: Or right down the line...my brother recalls hearing his song
incessantly in 1978. We are old.
b1: i liked him. although i didn't realize "baker street" was a cover
until just a few years ago. makes me a lamer ... not a hall of famer.
G: who did the original?
b1: i don't know.  the wiki article is imcomplete.
G: Rafferty wrote baker street.
b1: looks like i need more self-confidence.
G: Not your short suit...
b1: oh thanks, mr. tailor.  while you're at it, could you let out the hem on my groin? thanks.
G: Your confidence is a good thing. Being smarter than 99 percent of the world can be a burden, though.
b1: being smart isn't a burden, but memory is.  thank god mine's selective.
G: As far as I can recall, mine is getting worse all the time.  Except for horrible songs of the 70s.  I recall every note.
b1: as you're dying your final words will be "more ... more ... more ..."  how do you like it?
G: Now that one, I like.  That song sounds ever better every year.  It's got four distinct parts and some killer hooks.  I'd put that one song against metallica's whole output.
b1: you and me both, pal.

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