
The Apple runs

Special K: I don't remember knowing about this.
"About the same time, the Apple plant in Fountain went into production and soon became the company's largest manufacturing facility, turning out a million power-book and desktop computers a year. It was a state-of-the-art facility that helped the Colorado Springs area attract other high-tech companies."

b1-66er: Yeah. It was a thing for about 3 years.

K: Wow•

b1: I DEFINITELY didn't know about THIS...
In women, fecal incontinence can occur if the rectum protrudes through the vagina. This condition is known as rectocele.'

K: Oh yeah. Everybody knows that one.

b1: That's funny. (And a bit mean.)

K: Agreed.

b1: But I have NEVER EVER¹ said...
Excuse me, but before we have sex (meaning I stick my penis in your vagina), do you have rectocele?

K: Same.

b1: ¹That's not exactly right. This 'one time' I DID ask that, but 'she' said, "I don't have an erector set up on my roof, stupid!"
We stopped talking shortly after that.

K: Good remembering.

b1: The phrase "erector set on the ceiling" kinda sticks with you in that "oh the humanity!" kinda way.

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