
Film is TXT is reality

Special K: I applied to be an extra in Matrix 4.

b1-66er: Whoa•



b1-66er: In France,  fashion is the number 2 industry.
Q: What's #1?
"Cinnamon is made from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree. Its unique properties come from its essential oils, such as cinnamaldehyde."

K: Special K: Perfume?

b1: When you die,  I'm having you preserved in cinnamaldehyde.

K: That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

b1: The correct answer to the industry question is: aeronautics. 


Channel surfing the deep end

b1-66er: "What have I done to earn contempt?"

"Maybe it's because you don't do anything.   You just come up with ideas. "

"Where did Danny meet him?"
"Who knows... race track... locker room... Disneyland..."

"May I use your phone for a long distance call?"
"Long distance?"
"I'll have it reversed. "

"You quit fighting?"
"Yeah, I was running out of scar tissue. "

"If it's so fool proof, why hasn't anyone done it yet?"
"Because they don't have the equipment.  Why haven't we landed on the moon?"

"I didn't figure we'd come across a Pier 6 broad this far inland. "

"I'll give 'em a party, you make the drinks. "

"I'll give you good news and bad. "
"I don't need more bad news,  give me the good. "
"We're leaving Phoenix."
"THAT'S WONDERFUL! What's the bad news?"
"We're going to Salt Lake City. "

"You don't get rich if you don't take a chance. "

"Will my cut be big enough to send my kids to college?"
"Big enough to buy your kids a college. "

"In my book, 'bravery' rhymes with 'stupid.'"

"You better stop getting prettier everyday. You'll get a monopoly. "

"Why'd you come over if you knew it was a gag. "
"Well... it was Christmas. "

"Now just sit there and don't interrupt me. "

"[You're] the only husband in the world who would proposition his own wife. "

"Let's say you're right, absolutely right...but I didn't invent myself. "

"Now wait a minute Big Buster. "

"You really are a rat. "

"Maybe I should say 'thank you,' for being humiliated. "

"Your momma has great taste?"
"Does she?"

"You ever make a buck yourself?"
"No, but I have plans. "

"I couldn't be in error could i?"
"You know what your problem is? You underestimate people!"

"Where there are hoods, there are stool pigeons. "

"Is this the only route into or out of Las Vegas?"
"Yeah, Route 91."

Special K: This is all in Planet of the Apes?

b1: Yes.  PotA, Oceans 11 Deluxe Edition.

"I grant you're brave. The question now is, "How dumb are ya?""

"It's nothing. Nothing, Daddy darling. "

"You ever mix this with a dames makeup, it would make for some very interesting... midnights."
"I'm hip!"

"When it's ala carte, then we get sensible. "

"I'm standing here like a leafy elm until you cash that check. "

"I had the key made. Careful with it! It cost me two bits."

"You look like you've got combat fatigue girls! You've been on that line a l-o-n-g time. "
"As steady as down country lovin'."

"What're you doing here?"
"Same thing you are; cheating."

"I was always taught animals like you rattled before they struck. "

"I'm so drunk, I don't think I could lie down without holding on. "

"Oh, pardon me! Wrong girl!"

"Are you boys entitled to make a deal?"

"May I ask you a question?"
"If it's the right one. "

"Get a rundown of every train leaving Vegas.  Passenger and freight. "

"It's it true,  someone stole millions of dollars?"
"Oh, yes ma'am, but there's still some left. "

"You're talking on a dead phone, Charlie. "
"Well suit yourself. There's a live one at the sheriff's office. "

"Even as a liar you're an amateur!"

"Operator, give me DUDley 62 69 69."


Improper mathematical behavior

Special K: Did you know that fractions expressed as a numerator and denominator are called vulgar fractions? I didn't.

b1-66er: I did not. 
What's the opposite?
A "proper" fraction?  And what does it consist of. 

K: A "decimal fraction."
Not sure how widespread those terms are. I learned it from that 0/3 Unicode thing. 

b1: Gimme an example, please.

K: Any decimal. 0.5, 0.77, etc.

b1: I see. 
Thank you. 
So why use the word "vulgar" to describe the other ones?

K: I haven't found an explanation for that. 

b1: Well work on it, bitch. 

K: No.

b1: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/21106/obscenity-vs-profanity-vs-vulgarity-whats-difference


States of being and aspirations for the future

Former Flyer: It is what it is. I will be annoyed by lame parents. I will keep the dog alive. 

Where things look

Former Flyer: "Things were looking up. And then they weren't."


eXtreme Faux Lameness

<ed: possibly the worst thing I've ever put on KTXT.  Twice I thought, "No, too stupid."  Once I forgot. >

Special K:

b1-66er: "Less stall and more ball. "
I've heard SO MANY women say that about you.


b1: So...
What's your take on the whole thing?

K: The weird rules are interesting enough that I'll sample it. But it'll have the same problem as the first XFL: the players aren't good enough and the games won't be interesting.

b1: Son of my bitch. 
How about if there's less stall and more ball?

K: How about 2 balls? How about balls for all? Balle uber alles!
We hear about Vince McMahon. What about Vince McWomahan?

b1: You're stretching there. 

K: Sometimes you gotta go for it.

b1: ... and wouldn't that be Vickie?

K: Vincetta.


Seeing spots

b1-66er: We're DEFINITELY doing hop-on/hop-off in San Antonio. 

Former Flyer: Okay!!

b1: Have you ever done one?
I've only done one lame HO/HO out of maybe... 8?

FF: Nope

b1: SA won't be lame, merely because you live there.

FF: I have no idea what there would be to see. I haven't seen much of the city at all. I have a 2 mile radius that I move around in

b1: Assuming a fair amount of circulation, you can hop on and off with impunity...
It's THE best way to see Bacelona.
A 15 or 20 minute schedule is the best. 
What's weather going to be like?
Cold?  Rainy?  Something better?

FF: Unclear. It could be 40 or 70. It might be 40 one day and 70 the next.

b1: "Every 20 minutes from every stop from 8:40am to 5:30pm."
We're going to have THE BEST time. 

FF: Awesome!!

It doesn't even matter if it's lame.  (Hint: it won't be.)

<l-o-n-g delay>

FF: Sorry...dealing with a leotard emergency

Oh,  sorry.  I thought you said "leopard."

Everything's in hand

b1-67er: Super tiny bonsai pots.

b1-66er:Oh man!
Where'd you get 'em?  
How much?

67: House of bonsai in LA. $26 for six. Actually pretty decent quality.  Mom's Xmas present.

66: Great present. 

67: Smallest one I've seen.

66: I particularly like the hexagon. 
You could do a beehive colony grove with a zillion of those.

67: That's a funny idea.


I think we're a loan now

Special K: My sometimes-trainer The Mall Singer says LV is one of the best vegan friendly cities to eat in.

b1-66er: THAT'S interesting.   I had no idea. 

K: She's there now.

b1: Another datum.

K: "And, it's going to be a healthy one"

b1: As opposed to those crap vegan restaurants.

K: Exactly.

b1: What's weird/interesting/stupid is in my regimen, i only eat one plate of the 5 shown in the article. 


You will inherit pots of gold*

Special K: <pic of fortune cookie>

b1-66er: So good.
What was the fortune?

K: <pic of fortune>

b1: What a great fortune!  Befitting the moniker. 
It's a little scary that they won't detail what will fill your life in words.
At least it's not a state of being cookie, ala, "you're a nice person who takes care of pets."

*b1-67er's favorite fortune of all time. 


Worse than getting on the good foot

Special K -- How are you now?

b1-66er -- I am: Don't Take No Mess.