
Practical solutions to ecological problems

Special K: "Coyote stops traffic on I-280 in San Francisco for over an hour"

b1-67er: They should have given it an off ramp.


... I look cool doing it sure, but the swimming part is SO HARD...

b1-67er: <... Previous conversation elided...> Ok, I'll get you a plane ticket.  Birthday August 1 right?  I get it mixed up with mom's often.

b1-66er: Still is, yes.
And yours is the 20th of December, NOT the 25th, right?
That's that other guy...

67: Right. I get those confused too.


Wield borrow

Special K: <pic>
Borrowed from the library. 

Deluxe Edition

K: Hell yes!

{b1: You're indirectly responsible for this, D4rw1n...

D4rw1n: Hell yes}


Feeling warm on the inside, blobby on the outside

The Accomplice: <fingernail blurb>


my first vision after waking up from third sleep (or whatever the hell happened during my wake/sleep thread).

b1-67er: Wow.  I think I'm in love.


Sociological Battleground: Marketeers v. Lawyers

"Invasive lizards the size of dogs are roaming SC."


DSz: Redundant 


D4rw1n: Fantastic!


Changing the world

D4rw1n: b1-66er may be particularly interested in this. I just returned from a business trip to London. As I always do, I replaced my unused Pound Sterling bank notes into my office desk drawer of different envelopes of banknotes

sidenote: I have a lot of banknotes for all over because some establishments used to not take credit cards, like taxis in the UK for many years

sidenote 2: the UK has an utterly weird rule that when they discontinue a series of banknotes, you have to turn your old ones in at the Bank of England, and no place else, to get legal tender. Nobody takes the old bank notes. so I did that on this trip with some old notes that I had from an old trip. By the way, the Bank of England has no branches. You have to go to the Bank of England. There's only one.

The fattest envelope is UAE dirham. I've got 950. It's worth over a little over US$200. If the notes I have are still legal, tender at all, some of the envelopes are much skinnier, but are worth a lot more. The UAE envelope is really only fat because I've got a travel brochure in there from around 2006

b1-66er: You're right...

<Pic ©2023 Late Night Dinar
all rights reserved
used by permission>

What's high in the middle and round on the ends?

b1-66er: "Michigan dispensary not worried about legal pot in Ohio"
I think MI underestimates
The Power Of Parma

Major Math: Toledo, on the other hand
And if they do open one, it definitely needs to be called...
Oh High Oh


MM: Pun intended?