Special K: Parker / Stone on the scoreboard at the Nuggets game.
b1-66er: Whoa.
Were you physically there to see it?
K: Yes.
<Union Station pic>
b1: How'd you like the A-line to the Station?
K: I liked the train, I loved the airport train station, loved Union Station. Denver is wasted on the Denverites.
b1: Don't think of it as being for THEM.
K: $844.28, or 0 after using American Express points.
Plane was $619.96, also 0.
b1: I like the 0 play.
K: It made all the difference.
b1: Worth it?
K: Absolutely.
b1: Howz your seat?
K: After I got the ticket, I was worried that I had foolishly saved money by buying a crappy seat when it's not really money at all -- it's American Express points. But it turned out to be a superb seat. Front row in its tier, so no one in front of me, a clear view to the court and scoreboard. Dead center, so a great perspective on many shots, plus no one walking to and from their seats during the game. I lucked into a great seat. Well worth the 844 non-dollars I spent.
<Ball Arena interior shot>
b1: The shot sez it all.
K: Yes.
b1: SOMEONE'S gonna be super jealous of you.
(Which, of course, makes your experience better because you like that kinda thing.)
K: No, I don't like people being jealous, and I hope they're not.
b1: Are you points bankrupt now?
Or do you have some left?
(Did you have to 'buy' some points to have enough for this endeavor?)
K: We used about 55% of our points.
The atmosphere is nonstop noise, lights, bass, color, and light. I shot a bunch of video, eventually when I put it up, I can point you at it if you want to see. Sensory overload.
b1: I do want to see, but I don't want you to rush getting it up.
I just now looked up the score...
Strange game...
The 'Nuggs' drifted on their score, but were consistently better than their dopey opponents.
K: Denver dominated, Miami rallied, but not nearly enough, Denver squashed it. I think it went to form.
b1: Are you goin' to another one, or is that it?
K: This is it for me this year.
b1: Is the price goin' up with the Nuggs victory?
K: Before this, the prices of later games were higher, as fans anticipated a Denver win in 5 games. After this, I think games 2 and 5 in Denver will get more expensive and 3 and 4 in Miami will drop...
The games in Denver are all higher anyway because it's Denver's first NBA finals and it's Miami's sixth or something.
b1: And Miami SUCKS...
... And Denver ROX.
K: Right•
b1: Fuck Miami
Fuck heat
K: Hey now.
b1: (I KNOW you feel the same way about them ... Especially being all charged with testosterone right now.)
Speaking of which, How do you feel about the whole thing?
K: I cried...
...For me when I was 9 and now at 63.
For Momma K.
For my Mom.
I freaking couldn't stop crying.
First aid approached me.
b1: That's funny.
K: When I started paying attention to them, yes.
"Are you all right, sir?" they asked.
Do you have ANY idea how many times I shirked work?
How many times I was fired?
How many times Alfred E Newman was painted on my house?
How many American Express points I've burned?
How long I had to stay in the hell hole that is Union Station?
If you don't get out of my face, I'M GONNA HAVE A RHA¹!
(I guess that should be an RHA? I'm not actually sure.)
b1: What did Momma K think of EVERYTHING related to this?
K: She suggested it, pushed me, dreamed up the Amex idea, made it happen. Loves it.
b1: How 'bout Biggie?
K: Bigg Knasty is happy too. He loves sports adventures.
b1: Good. Sometimes I'm not sure he's fully attached to the world.
And please please please tell me you're gonna overnight at DIA.
K: No. LoDo near Union Station.
b1: ¿Cuantos for the room?
(Or ppp tell me that's points too.)
K: Yes, more points.
And I love your narrative about my life above. You are my official biographer.
b1: I'll absolutely write your biography.
I could start tomorrow.
(but it would be KTXT style.
Not in TXTual source content...
... Rather in KTXT attitude.)
K: Sounds great.
b1: Your biography would be super easy to write.
K: So I guess we actually used more like 80% of our AMEX points.
b1: First expenditure ever?
K: Maybe. I think we've given some to the Knastys before.
b1: (The Accomplice wants to know where you're staying.)
K: Hotel Indigo on Wewatta.
K: Good•
b1: The Accomplice sez, "That sounds nice."
K: It's the same brand where we stay in Harrisburg. This one is nicer.
b1: What're we gonna call your bio?
Milo with a Colon
-The Special K Story?
The Man Who Coulda Changed Your Life
-but decided to watch TV instead?
K: "If Jerry Lewis was Larry Jewish"
b1: Oh, I LIKE that, even if it has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
Did you just make it up?
K: No
It has been on my mind since I was a kid.
b1: For a second, I thought your tears had brought you clarity.
I'll use "If Jerry Lewis was Larry Jewish" as the introductory page.
What's the best sporting event you ever attended?
K: Sharks vs. Las Vegas, 2019, game 7.
Then World Series game 4 in 2014.
A WS game in '02.
b1: Great answer.
Photos ©2023 K's Point Prods
All rights reserved
Used by permission
¹Real Heart Attack (as opposed to FHA)