
The M Judge has your sign

b1-66er: The new SW isn't liked, I guess. 

Special K: It has very mixed reviews. I predict I'll like it. 

b1: Okay•
Does the joiner part of you say you'll like it?  That's what determines all your behavior. 

K: That question is a tautology. 

b1: What zodiac sign are you?
El Toroido?

K: Capricornus. 

b1: Capricorney.



Bread and butter (and knife and can opener)

b1-66er: <picture of can> Turns out this is a thing. 
(Just to be clear...
... canned...
... bread. )

Lawrencian: Lol  Didn't see that one coming 😁

b1: That's how you know you're from the W.

L: And proud of it

b1: You and me both, pard... 

L: 👍

b1: ... our attitude is identical...
... if you're going to go E of the MS river, just keep goin'...

L: Until you hit Europe

b1: ... until you can find a bleacher to talk to Keith Moon. 

L: Lol

<ed: which happened to Lawrencian at a Who concert in the 70s.>


Phases of the loon

b1-66er: Did you go through a princess phase?

The Accomplice: Sorta. I was always dressing up all the time. I loved the costume box.

b1: I believe that. 
You still do. 

TA: Princess was part of the equation only. We have photos of me as a clown, Cupid, Carmen, and a go-go dancer, along with princess and who-knows-what else.


Slip not

b1-66er: Letting go is part of grasping reality.

The accomplice: It's part of reality bashing me upside the head until I drop things.

Truth in number

Special K: "The difference between a million and a billion is about a billion."


Which soup are you?

b1-66er: I'm foggy, groggy and contemplating my future. 


Harris see

b1-66er: Harris dropped out of the presidential race.

Special K: I'm surprised she didn't do better.

b1: Me too.  Strong out of the gate.
I've always had a theory on Obama...
I think he was floated as a trial balloon in 2008 after a strong speech at an earlier convention...
He did SO well in IA that they decided to put some steam behind him.
They were thinking 2012 when they started him.  
I'm certain of it.
Harris is a future run possibility as well.
Wags who follow politics closely have an extremely difficult time looking further forward.

K: I completely agree with your analysis.

b1: You're a genius.

K: I completely agree with your analysis.