
The wafer goes round and round...

b1-66er: https://youtu.be/kAsqOlHXzDg

MISTER Crypto: Li-Lac has a shop in Chelsea Market; in the same building, the Oreo was invented (plagiarized, perhaps), and now, upstairs from Li-Lac is YouTube NY. And thus, the circle is complete.



The Accomplice:

<Photo ©2023 Shot Top Down Prods
All rights reserved. Used by permission.>


War of All Worlds

Special K: The grandparents of Tom Cruise's kids at the end of War of the Worlds (2005) are played by Gene Barry and Ann Robinson, the two leads of 1953's The War Of The Worlds.

b1-66er: THAT I did not know.
Great trivia.

K: Yes. I just watched it Saturday night and didn't know.

b1: Where'd you stumble across that fact?
Thave a Criterion DVD version of the
original WotW and
I'm pretty sure that fact isn't mentioned in there.

K: I was searching to see where the movie was filmed, and that tidbit turned up.


...butt watt am eye?...

b1 okay Google, who is smarter, you or Leslie?
I know you know my real name.

MISTER Crypto: Weird

Special K: Oh snap..

One thumbs up

b1-66er: Just tried calling you.
Many rings. No answer.
I was merely calling to say hi.

Special K: We were watching Spartacus. Still are - it's 3.5 hours. 

b1: Watching the movie, itself, is like a gladiation event.

K: I'm loving it so far. Never saw any part of it before. 

b1: Not even IRL?

K: Nuthin.

b1: So THAT'S one way we're different.

K: Seeing Spartacus?

b1: No.
Having parts of your life being like a gladiation event.

K: Ah. 



b1-66er: <Wombo>

b1-67er: While helping out at MPC we did a project for a company developing submersible floats for lobster traps. You send a low frequency pound signal in the water to release the floats. So the fisherman goes out, triggers the floats, they raise to the surface and he retrieves them. It minimizes wale entanglement 
It has a knock on benefit. People steeling or raiding your lobster traps is such a big problem fisherman go out just to watch their traps.

Of apples and kites

b1-66er: <Wombo>

b1-67er: There are a bunch of rare snails in the Everglades, some native only to a single clump of trees. Many are in trouble because shell collectors poach them for their exotic patterns.


When your nuts shell

b1-66er: The K said Mr. Kimmel was fabulous as the Oscars opener.
He's right.
Must view.

D4rw1n: Looking forward to viewing this. I have watched Kimmel's opening monologue about three out of five nights per week for the last year (delayed, on YouTube). I also watch Seth Myers, Jimmy Fallon, and Stephen Colbert (on about the same rough frequency using the same platform). I think for the last year Kimmel has been consistently the sharpest
Myers is by far the most surreal. Especially a weekly segment (which I watch pretty religiously) entitled Corrections. It's self-referential bordering on inscrutable, self-deprecating bordering on masochistic, meta bordering on incomprehensible, and wry bordering on unfunny. Which together is super-original and somehow always makes me laugh 

Plumbing your belt


b1-67er: A Couple of things could be better on that belt Loader.  They connect the belt with a set of wire hoops on each side with a pin through the middle. Those connectors can be dangerous bastards if they get damaged. Imagine a bunch of stiff wires sticking out every which way to grab your clothes and drag you around the belt. 
Also the lift cylinder has a bunch of plumbing external on the cylinder.  That should all be integrated into the cylinder. Cheaper, safer, more reliable.


Mind your headspace

Special K: Note from David Lynch to projectionists about Mulholland Drive. 

No cane necessary

b1-66er: Headline of the moment
Larry Hogan Says He Will Not Run for President
{I've decided I'm jumping on the bandwagon.
I'm not seeking the Presidency either.}

Special K: I haven't decided yet. 


... Just need a Mac and some cheese ...


b1-67er: It's interesting his argument is, I didn't think it was illegal' instead of,"I'm not a yakuza member"

D4rw1n: Mobster Thermidor 
HOF Wombo title