

b1-66er: https://www.fox5vegas.com/2023/01/27/local-paleontologist-discovers-new-dinosaur-species/ 

b1-67er: Very surprising that was the first nevada dinosaur. 

66: How common are 'new' dinosaurs?

67: Common.  One a week. I've considered that as a retirement project. Discover a dinosaur.  Not easy but feasible.
You could do it without ever going in the field if you wanted too.
In the late 1800s they were hunting dinosaur bones so frantically that some of those bones have never been evaluated since

66: How would THAT work?

67: They are sitting around in crates at Harvard and in museums and stuffed in drawers.
I'd say maybe 1/4 of all dinosaurs are found by people digging through museum collections.

66: Crazy crazy.
Was there a dinosaur-discovery-and-bring-the-bones-in period of time?

67: That was about 1870s I think.  Como bluff by Medicine Bow was the height of it.  Some of the professors were sticking it to the native Americans on their completion. 

66: What do you mean by THAT?

67: They told the tribes that the other professors were digging up the burial grounds, hoping the natives would run off or kill the competing professors.

66: That's a harsh and rugged way to play the game.

67: No doubt


... Rise to the occasion ...

b1-66er: <Wombo>

b1-67er: Apparently penis head wants to live forever?


Merry Storage Time!

The Accomplice: Santa's got a brand new bag

Pic© 2023 In the Bag Sometimes Prods.

All rights reserved. Used by permission.


Hard hard hard to pay back

b1-66er: <Wombo>

b1-67er: It looks like us debt got thrown off the roof Putin Style.

66: Prescient•


Zincy, you clown!

b1-66er: I bought a shirt for mom's services next week...
SUPER HELPFUL Amazon suggested "you might like this too."
What the hell do they know about me that I don't?
b1-67er: Maybe you can accessorize with it.  It is funeral colors

It you buy a pound of zinc, I wonder if it automatically puts you on some kind of Snowden Watch List.
Like it's essentially a government bobber to see if they can get a strike.

D4rw1n: I have a pound of zinc in my bedroom right now. Hard to accessorize with though, because it is broken up into penny-sized chunks and is stored in a janky old box

66: Okay, I'll bite.

D4: Because every time I received a penny, in change over the last 40 years, I threw it in a box in my bedroom. And it's been about a decade since I took the box to a CoinStar. Hence, I have well over a pound of zinc all in very small pieces.
And all stylishly clad in copper
If that puts me on a government list, I've got a lot of company

66: "Match, D4rw1n•"


G Island

Special K: Tonight's movie: Tommy. 

b1-66er: Never a disappointment.

K: "Russell says Pete Townshend wanted Tiny Tim to play Pinball Wizard but Stigwood overruled him."

b1: There's got to be a twist.

K: Yeah!
"Amanda Seyfried & Evan Rachel Wood Working on Thelma & Louise Musical"

b1: I'm holding out for the Tina Louise musical.


Bottom of the can

b1-66er: I believe in coyotes...
... And time as an abstract•

D4rw1n: And there a lot to be said for a cheap domestic beer



Monopolized mutation

D4rw1n: Driscolls is marketing a new mutant strain of blueberry under the name "Sweetest Batch."  We've sampled several boxes over the last few months. They're moderately sweeter than the regular ones, which is fine. They're also freakishly large. Which is an okay trait up to a point.

That point was officially exceeded by today's batch, which included the big bulgy bastard pictured.

1. Mutant blueberries. 2. Normal-ish-sized blueberry. 3. House.


The lumpiness is the feature to emphasize, in my view. That's what crosses them over into a weird uncanny valley of the mutant produce world


Hurt lockered up

b1-66er: <Wombo>

D4rw1n: I like how a beaten-up Jeremy Renner looks like a strung-out Sean Penn

b1: It may be the first 
Psychically Same 
AI doodle ever made.



Dead head: SLC

Pic ©2023 Salty Sees
All rights reserved
Used by permission


b1-66er: <Wombo>

Special K: Why is he Japanese?

b1: If you actually knew him, you wouldn't ask that question.

K: I know him and that he's fond of Japanese culture. He's not Japanese. 

b1: No.

K: Good reply. 
I really think so.

The Motleys' Fouled

b1-66er: A detractor...

Zedzed: They are looking at the wrong thing.
As you know from working in the cellphone industry, subscribers don't really mean anything. The question is a) how much money did you spend to get them, and b) how much money are you making off of them.
Netflix spends almost $0 to get them, and we have high prices that means we make a lot of $$$ off of them.
Disney got subscribers fast, but at a huge loss.
Most of the smart folks have now figure out that Netflix is the only streaming company that's actually making a profit. All the others are running at a loss to catch up.

b1: Taste THAT, bitches!


Kick the can!

b1-66er: <Wombo>

b1-67er: Is she disappointed she only has one leg?


b1-66er: <Wombo Dream>

b1-67er: Looks like it was made with BAD Dream


And we're ... OFF TO THE RACES!

b1-66er: <Wombo>

b1-67er: It looks like Peter Max is winning

D4rw1n: Top comment of the year so far 

Fork U

b1-67er: [...] There is no napkin that is going to make me unhappy.