
Palladium Zeppelin

b1-66er: <Wombo Dream>

b1-67er: Inflation will be worse but dirigibles and steam ships will be in fashion.

D4rw1n: Fashionable but unaffordable 


Give me liberty ... or give me a screwdriver

b1-66er: <Wombo>

b1-67er: It looks like the super glue culprit is the Statue of Liberty.


The manual labor of signing a check

Special K: I've rarely not worked. 

b1-66er: For a somewhat broader definition of 'work.'

K: If I got paid, it's work.

Who are you calling 'tri-tip," sithy?

b1-66er: <Wombo Dream>

D4rw1n: What about place names yielded the lightsaber-wielding triceratops?

b1: You're obviously part of the problem.

D4: Words to live by



Dear Hunter:

(Image ©2022. I See Icy Picks. All rights reserved. Used by permission.)


Burn out

The Dear Hunter: ... I'm guessing corvettes maintain a high level of interest due to the volume of people that have never driven never one.


Reality does the Wombo

b1-66er: > Wombo
This is a piece of the screenshot from my Android. Just now ...

D4rw1n: Right. That's a pretty good Wombo but without the Wombo 


... One giant leap for bean-type ...

b1-66er: I had a dream -during first sleep last night- that I was looking through cans of lentil soup in a grocery store...
... And in the very back of an open top shelf there was a can with a different label that said...
..."beans from the hometown of Neil Armstrong"
The label was mass produced but "hand drawn" kinda like the old Ben & Jerry's labels...
But I think the can had a fact wrong.
It said something like:
From the hometown of Neil Armstrong, Canton, IA...
But he's from Wapakoneta, OH.

D4rw1n: <entire Dream series> Wombo thinks they look like regular beans

Special K: Oh, this gets even better. Beans from Neil Armstrong's home town, you say? You probably know that Wapakoneta, Ohio is part of the Lima–Van Wert–Wapakoneta Combined Statistical Area.
Wapakoneta is essentially a suburb of...
Lima. Pronounced with a long I. Like the beans. 
Your subconscious is wise and has a great sense of humor. 


Fielding the force

Mouthpiece R US: ... [In the] meantime was typing you this: I have another very funny story about [an old girlfriend] ...she was lovely, and I have to confess she was very good in bed. One of the things that amused me was that during sex, she would use not-quite-the-right-word. Once she said, "fuck me with more force! I want it with more force!!" Anyway, at some point she told me she used to date [a guy] when he was on SNL. She had only good things to say about him -- that he was kind, and a gentle soul -- but he was damaged, and all he really cared about was keeping his dream job on SNL. Eventually she broke up with him and that was that. Fast forward a few years, we're dating, and one morning listening to Howard Stern, he has on [SNL guy]. I immediately phone [OGF] and leave a message, "you gotta turn on your radio to DC101, Howard Stern is interviewing [SNL]!!" I hang up, and Howard (of course) is by that time salaciously asking him about his love life, saying that from being on SNL he must have tons of women after him etc etc. [SNL] demurs, and says he's dating a lovely German woman. Stern asks, "what's that like, dating a foreign chick?" And Hammond says, "it's great, though during sex they always use the wrong words, like 'I want it with more force! More force!!'" It was, to say the least, quite unnerving to hear [SNL] doing a spot on impersonation of my girlfriend having sex. Meantime, I was thinking, "I sure hope [OGF] didn't listen to my voicemail and tune in to hear that..."


I worry about the people across the street...

D4rw1n: DC tonight. No edits 

Image ©2022 TheCapAndMeSnappeez
All rights reserved
Used by permission


Peace of cake

b1-66er: <NYC food rulez Wombo>

Mr. Crypto -- AS IN CRYPTOGRAPHY: <Cake Wombo>


The Consequation Rests

b1-66er: <Wombo based on a line "Success not succession," TXTd by the F3mb0t.>


Better get out the blackjack•

Special K: I've had 21 managers and 27 office moves while at Google.

b1-66er: <Wombo>

K: That's a good likeness of most of them.


Put on the scales

b1-66er: <Wombo>

D4rw1n: The Wombo for "Too much parachute not enough dragon" Has just the right amount of both

Fully Wombowled

b1-66er: <stock Wombo>

Mr. CRYPTOGRAPHY: <stars Wombo>

No, no, it's iceSTEIN

b1: <Wombo>

Special K:I had a water dreidel 
I made it in the sea
I noticed it was scalloped
And had a face like me

b1: ¡Full-Time CHAMPION!
(Possibly your best work ever...
As good and as horrifying as that may be.)