K: Work is still up in the air. There might be an announcement today, I've heard.
b1: jesus christ...
"do your job until we say you're dead...
K: Pretty much.
a partial record of the TXT conversations of b1-66er - especially those with Special K ... updated sporadically
K: Work is still up in the air. There might be an announcement today, I've heard.
b1: jesus christ...
"do your job until we say you're dead...
K: Pretty much.
K: I died for your sins.
b1: you died for a cinnabon.
K: Tres bon.
K; Most days now I eat when hungry and stop when full. Totally new to me.
b1: did someone coach you on what "hungry" means, or did you figure it out yourself?
K: It was part of 2 or 3 different programs I've been in.
b1: you're like my dad in drunk farms.
K; ?
b1: he was in several (court prescribed) drunk farms. THAT is a key way that food is NOT worse than crack ...
the state of CA has never put you on court supervised visits to your diet doctor...
or had the head dietician sign your card for the judge... repeatedly.
K: They should.
b1: now you're just full of K fluff...
you're all, "I'll just day this crazy thing because I'm cutting edge and I'm the K.. I'M CRAZY!"...
you are the K-pok of rap.
b1-66er: when john belushi died, dan aykroyd played a tape of the "2000 pound bee."
and I was just so so impressed by that ... because he'd promised that to belushi, "if."
THAT is a good friend.
the world's fattest man was buried in a piano case, lowered by crane.
if you wanted it, I'd demand a crane for you, for sure.
"he wants to be buried with a crane. I'm not going to let YOU revoke this man's last request."
special K:. "Don't be anti-Semitic."
b1: "don't be anti-seismic."
K: Reorg at work. I could end up screwed. I'm surprisingly calm about it all.
b1: it's because you're ancient, you don't care and you've been through it all before.
K: Pretty much.
b1: here's a weird one, Brian Wilson and Jeff Beck are touring together.
K: I would LOVE to hear their deep conversations.
b1: you already do.
K: " ?"
" ."
b1: exactly.
b1: my crime against humanity is I didn't see a single 51's game this season.
K: Unfortunate.
b1: it's possible they may change their name next season, they have a new owner now.
K: There might be a better name.
b1: jesus god no.
K: Hahahahaha. Might be.
LV Titty Twisters
LV Mob
LV Founding Jews
LV Baking Desert Floor
b1: okay. I agree all of those are better.
b1: one thing's for sure ... you have the ability to light people up.
cap'n happy: Just one of the services I offer.
b1: the majority of what we do is conceptual and imaginary. we have a clubhouse of the mind.
NV number I don't recognize (05:30): U up
b1:66er (11:46): I am now.
NV (11:49): Rt that pussy always be mine. U will never forget me will you
b1 (11:50): I absolutely guarantee you've got the wrong number.
NV (11:51): Yes I do my bad
K: I am happy to offer you all the services of my home.
b1: tell momma K to warm up the bed.
K: That's the dog's territory.
pickles: Woah. I had crazy dreams that you were like lost/abducted by soldiers in some crazy country. And the last text you sent me was a picture of pancakes. Weird.
CJ: My brother wants to connect with me on linked in
b1: erm.
it's better than wanting to connect with you over half a bottle of tequila and a stack of porn magazines...